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Labiaplasty is a surgery frequently performed after a woman has given birth to address an enlarged or elongated labia. However, some patients may experience this without having had children, often due to genetics. An enlarged labia can cause more frequent yeast infections, pain during sex,...

facelift in TampaAlthough other types of body enhancement procedures fade in and out of popularity, the demand from our clients for facelifts (Rhytidectomy) grows every single year. The decision to have a facelift is an important one because it is a form of surgery, so you need to make an informed choice before undergoing any surgical procedure.We have both men and women visiting Dr. Sessa in Sarasota, FL, looking for guidance on whether or not they should have a facelift. The advice we share with you here is the same advice we give our clients every single day.

Man Having Botox Treatment At Beauty ClinicAs tempting as it might be to undergo cosmetic surgery to uncover the real 'you,' it's always a good idea to take baby steps when considering having any type of surgery. If you're looking for advice on this subject, then your best course of action is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sessa in Sarasota.Cosmetic surgery can and should be beneficial for the patient, but it's not always in the best interests of a patient to have a particular type of surgery. This is when you need the advice, and perhaps intervention, of a fully-qualified plastic surgeon.Your Expectations:Although the cosmetic enhancements available today have made huge advances over those available pre-Millennium, it's still important that you realize plastic surgery isn't magic. There are limitations when it comes to reshaping and redefining certain parts of your body or removing stubborn fat.

Beautiful Woman before Plastic Surgery Operation Cosmetology. Beauty FaceToday we're going to take a look at the process of deciding to have cosmetic surgery. In Tampa, and elsewhere in the country, there are any of a number of excellent plastic surgeons to choose from, so how do you balance your own personal preferences with finding an excellent surgeon to create the "you" you've always wanted?

#1 Self-Reflection

Before you take even a single step on the journey to having any form of effective surgery, you need to be very clear about why you're doing what you're doing. In some cases people have cosmetic surgery to please their spouse or partner, but that's a biased choice and not a personal one.We would recommend that unless you're choosing to have cosmetic surgery for your own personal reasons then it might be wise to take some time to reconsider your options.