Dermal fillers are among the most popular and frequently performed cosmetic procedures around the world. Of the many dermal fillers available, hyaluronic acid has the biggest number of indications. It is preferred by patients and providers alike. However, at times, a patient may require a much different type of enhancement, one that lasts longer and is more dramatic. Sculptra is a dermal filler that can address these concerns. Dr. Alberico Sessa at Sarasota Surgical Arts offers the best Sculptra Sarasota provides.

Overview: Sculptra

Sculptra is a semi-permanent dermal filler that uses a combination of injected material and your body’s healing process. By stimulating collagen, the injections lead to longer lasting, and sometimes permanent improvements in the treatment area. All injections lead to a small increase in collagen to heal the needle prick, Sculptra stimulates the collagen underneath the skin.

Made of a material known as poly-L-lactic acid, Sculptra contains no human or animal materials. Poly-L-lactic acid was–and still is–used in medicine in dissolvable stitches. While it is a synthetic material, it is one proven to be safe, biodegradable, and compatible with human biology.

The Development Of Sculptra

Sculptra received its first FDA approval in 2004 to treat facial fat loss in HIV patients. Many people with HIV or similar autoimmune diseases experience facial hollowing. It makes them look older and unhealthy, even if their condition is controlled. While 2004 was the first time the FDA approved Sculptra, doctors used Sculptra in Europe since 1999.

Sculptra–unlike hyaluronic acid fillers–absorbs within a few weeks of injections. However, over time, the poly-L-lactic acid stimulates collagen production in the treatment area for longer lasting results. This revolutionary technique introduced bio-stimulant fillers that took advantage of the body’s natural healing process to augment and plump.

Uses And Treatment Areas

Sculptra began as a purely facial treatment. In the years since the injectable’s introduction in the US, cosmetic surgeons and providers have begun using Sculptra in new and innovative ways. Below encompass just some of the most common uses of Sculptra today.

  • Soften nasolabial folds (smile lines)
  • Fill in unwanted deep wrinkles, lines, and folds
  • Address age or condition related to fat loss and/or facial hollowing
  • Restore facial volume
  • Enhance the jawline or other bony areas
  • Buttock augmentation and enhancement


Sarasota Sculptra injections come with many benefits and advantages. Due to the way it naturally stimulates collagen and the dramatic results it can achieve in the right people, many patients and providers tout the benefits of Sculptra. Among some of the advantages include:

  • Younger, healthier looking face
  • Fill in facial hollows
  • Softens facial features
  • Results can last up to two years; some effects may be permanent
  • Increases collagen production
  • Continues to provide improvements over several months
  • Can improve skin texture and quality
  • Results usually look and feel natural
  • Enhancements appear gradually
  • Allergic reactions are rare and unlikely
  • Main ingredient used and tested in the medical field for over thirty years
  • Little discomfort; topical anesthetics and pain management techniques used
  • Can resume most regular activities the same day
  • Non-surgical and non-invasive
  • Few side effects
  • Quick procedure


Sculptra vs. Hyaluronic Acid Fillers

Sculptra and hyaluronic acid fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm belong to the broader category of dermal fillers. This is because they often address the same concerns. Though, Sculptra is designed to treat deeper wrinkles and lasts longer than traditional fillers. However, Sculptra is not always the right choice depending on the individual patient. Let’s take a look at the differences between Sculptra and hyaluronic acid fillers.


  • Semi-permanent
  • Stimulates major collagen response
  • Lasts up to two years
  • Gradual results; can take months for final results to appear
  • Administered in multiple sessions
  • Cannot treat the lips
  • Treats more advanced aging/hollowing
  • Not dissolvable
  • Better for treating widespread fat loss
  • May not be suitable for first time filler patients (unless the severity of their condition necessitates Sculptra treatment)
  • Suitable for buttock enhancement

HA Fillers

  • Temporary
  • Mild collagen response at the injection site
  • Lasts on average six to nine months
  • Immediate results, final results within two weeks
  • Often administered in one session
  • Can treat the lips
  • Treats early signs of aging
  • Dissolvable
  • Better at treating localized hollowing or aging
  • Possibly preferred for first time patients or those with more moderate aging/hollowing (at least as a preliminary treatment)
  • Only used in the face and hands

The right filler or treatment plan for you is best determined during a consultation with a provider at Sarasota Surgical Arts. Every patient has unique needs and anatomy which require personalized care.


  • How Long Does Sculptra Last?

    After your initial rounds of treatment (usually around three to five sessions), the results of Sculptra typically last around two years. Though, you can continue to upkeep and improve your results with yearly sessions. Since Sculptra stimulates your collagen, you will only lose results with age, similar to normal aging. Therefore, if you keep up with sessions, you can expect to see the difference last long term.

  • Is Sculptra Safe?

    As an FDA-approved product, Sculptra is considered safe when injected by a qualified provider. It is unlikely to cause allergic reactions or major complications. If injected by an unqualified provider, complications are more likely. Occlusion is also a risk of Sculptra and, notably, Sculptra cannot be dissolved like hyaluronic acid fillers. Thus, this is why it is generally not recommended for first time filler patients.

  • Does Sculptra Look Natural?

    Sculptra is arguably one of the most natural looking fillers because it largely uses your collagen. While nodules and lumps can occur, they often are not visible and easily massaged out. Massaging in the days after treatment helps promote results that look and feel natural.

  • How Does Sculptra Work In The Buttocks?

    One of the more recent advances in the use of Sculptra is in non-surgical buttock augmentation. When injected into the buttocks, it works much the same way as elsewhere. It gradually stimulates collagen to alter the shape and size of the buttocks. It is not as pronounced or dramatic as a surgical BBL. Although, the Sculptra Brazilian butt lift is an option for patients too thin or unable to undergo BBL surgery.

  • What Is The Cost Of Sculptra In Sarasota, FL?

    The entire cost of your Sculptra treatment will depend on the amount of product needed and the number of sessions. Sculptra for the face begins at $850 per session, and Sculptra for the buttocks begins at $3500 per session. Following a consultation, you will receive a more accurate idea of the total cost of your Sarasota Sculptra injections.

The Best Sculptra Injections In Sarasota

Dr. Alberico Sessa is a qualified cosmetic surgeon with decades of experience performing surgical and non-surgical procedures. He is a specialist in facial procedures. Dr. Sessa even innovated his own less invasive version of a facelift called the Smart Lift. This makes him one of the top and most qualified providers of Sculptra. Sarasota Surgical Arts provides the best Sculptra Sarasota offers.

Sarasota Surgical Arts is Sarasota’s premier cosmetic surgery provider and medical spa. The facility is within steps of Siesta Key Beach and easily accessible from all directions. With your best interest in mind, our providers will recommend the ideal procedure based on your goals and medical history.


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