SmartLift™ & Mini Facelift in Sarasota


In our forties and fifties, the first visible signs of aging begin to set in. Wrinkles and fine lines become deeper, the jowls may sag, and skin may lose its smooth and even appearance. These all can happen naturally, but can be sped up or worsened by many factors. For example, sun exposure, lifestyle, and medical conditions all contribute to your unique aging process. Dr. Alberico Sessa of Sarasota Surgical Arts offers The Smartlift™, a tailored and customized version of the mini facelift to Sarasota and the surrounding areas of Bradenton and Tampa. 


The SmartLift™is a version of the minimally invasive facelift procedure known as a mini lift. This procedure typically addresses the lower third of the face, including the neck. It lifts sagging jowls and creates a flattering contour of the jaw and neck. It removes excess skin and fat caused from aging, lost collagen, and sometimes, weight loss.

Dr. Sessa perfected The SmartLift™ technique to minimize incision and scarring, while offering results that can compare to a conventional facelift. Having performed hundreds of facelifts, Dr. Sessa understands facial aesthetics and how to obtain the optimal result for men and women. 

How Is It Different From A Traditional Facelift?

A traditional facelift consists of larger incisions and correction than a mini facelift. A facelift is usually best suited for older patients who have more advanced signs of aging. Both procedures may address and tighten the facial muscles, although a traditional facelift may correct a larger area. 

The main difference, however, is the incision length and the average age of patients. Many patients believing they need a full facelift will often have their aesthetic goals met or exceeded by The SmartLift™. In a consultation with Dr. Sessa, he will examine your face and neck. He will then determine if a mini facelift could benefit you. 

The great thing about The SmartLift™ is that it bridges the gap between a facelift and a mini facelift. It can address the nasolabial folds, neck, and entire lower third of the face, while minimizing the scar and surgery time. A traditional facelift may still offer some patients the best results. The SmartLift™at Sarasota Surgical Arts can turn back time and slow down the aging process.

SmartLift, Mini Facelift Sarasota, FL - I Was Back to Work in 9 days


Most healthy people concerned with their facial appearance are a candidate for the Smartlift™. As a relatively short and minimally invasive surgery, patients usually tolerate a mini facelift well. Like with any surgery, there is some risk. Therefore, Dr. Sessa will evaluate your medical history to ensure a safe and effective result.

A SmartLift™ can address skin issues like sun damage, thinning skin, and wrinkles. Yet, you should still have fair quality skin that will promote a good result following surgery. Other procedures like chemical peels can be performed to improve and maintain skin quality before and after a Sarasota facelift. 

The ideal mini lift candidate is a man or woman in their late thirties to sixties. Additionally, candidates should not smoke and are in good general health. Additionally, any major medical conditions should be well managed. Of course, many patients outside of the ideal are still viable candidates for a SmartLift™ in Sarasota. Consulting with Dr. Sessa is vital for determining if a SmartLift™, traditional facelift, or other procedure will offer you the best results.

Difference Between A Mini Facelift & A Traditional Facelift


Seeking out cosmetic surgery of any kind, especially of the face, can cause stress and uncertainty. Dr. Sessa and the Sarasota Surgical Arts team aim to answer your questions and inform you of the entire process. Achieving your aesthetic and ideal facial appearance starts with a consultation.

Consultation With Dr. Sessa

Dr. Sessa will begin your consultation by asking you questions. He will want to know the procedures you are interested in, your specific concerns, and medical history. This will give him a basic understanding of your goals and general health. Next, he will examine your face and neck. He will want to determine if the sagging is due to extra skin, fat, or a combination of both. Understanding your lifestyle will also help him narrow down a cause which can inform the procedure he recommends. 

By the end of your consultation, Dr. Sessa will decide whether you are a good candidate for surgery. And, whether a mini lift will serve your needs. Before you leave, you will be given a full price quote and any required clearances.

The SmartLift™ Surgery

Once properly sedated, Dr. Sessa will begin your mini facelift surgery. Most of the time, the SmartLift™ involves three small incisions. The first is just under the chin and the other two near the ears. Depending on your needs and the type of facelift, the incisions can wrap partially or fully around your ears. Typically, mini facelift incisions only wrap partially around the ear, if at all. Dr. Sessa is careful to hide scars and leave you with aesthetic, hard to see scars. 

Through these incisions, Dr. Sessa will remove extra skin and tighten the skin and underlying structures. He may use liposuction to suck out uneven fat deposits. Finally, he will stitch the incisions and you will wake from surgery soon after. 

The entire procedure takes around an hour to an hour and a half to perform. You will be monitored by a licensed anesthesia practitioner the entire time. This ensures safety and allows Dr. Sessa to focus fully on your surgery and results.

Immediately After

When you wake up from surgery, you will be taken to recovery where you are monitored. Before leaving, Dr. Sessa will give you post-operative instructions. The amount of time you stay in recovery varies, but most patients leave within a couple hours. You can expect to have your face wrapped, which continues into the first couple days of recovery to reduce swelling. 

As an outpatient procedure, patients return home the same day. You will need someone to drive you home and should make plans beforehand. This may include filling prescriptions and arranging time away from activities.


The recovery for a facelift and a mini lift in Sarasota are similar. A mini facelift typically has a shorter recovery time. Your face will remain compressed for at least a few days after surgery to keep swelling down. Dr. Sessa will prescribe antibiotics and pain medication to prevent infection and ease your recovery. Many patients find they have limited or no need for pain medication following The SmartLift™.

While you will likely require a few days off work, patients usually return to their jobs around 5-10 days after surgery. Although, this varies between patients. Throughout your recovery, Dr. Sessa will evaluate your ability to begin working and exercising. 

Unlike other surgery recoveries, a Sarasota mini facelift does not mean you need to be bed ridden. In fact, most patients are back on their feet the next day. While you should refrain from strenuous activity, patients often find they can perform everyday tasks like laundry and cooking. Dr. Sessa will advise you based on your individual needs and procedure.

SmartLift & Mini Facelift Before & Afters
A Before and After photo of a SmartLift Mini Facelift by Dr. Alberico Sessa in Sarasota and Tampa
A Before & After Photo of a Mini Facelift Plastic Surgery by Dr. Alberico Sessa in Sarasota


What Age Are The SmartLift™ Candidates?

As mentioned above, the average age for a mini facelift is roughly 40-60. However, patients can occasionally be younger or older, depending upon their genetics and aging. Patients as old as their seventies may not need a full facelift if their signs of aging do not require it. Regardless of age, Dr. Sessa can determine if a facelift, mini lift, or other procedure, like facial fillers will best serve your needs and goals.

How Long Does A Mini Facelift Last?

The amount of time you can expect to enjoy the results of a mini lift in Sarasota depends on many factors. On average, a patient can expect their facelift to last around 6-10 years. However, a mini facelift tends to turn back the clock around 10-15 years. This means that even in 10 years, you will look better than if you have never had The SmartLift™.

Can I Combine A Mini Lift With Other Procedures?

One of the major benefits of The SmartLift is that it usually takes less than two hours to perform. This allows for Dr. Sessa to safely perform other procedures. A mini facelift is commonly performed alongside other facial procedures like full face CO2 laser resurfacing, brow lift, or midface lift. It is also common to combine a mini facelift with non-surgical procedures like lip filler.

If you are interested in other procedures, even outside of the face, tell Dr. Sessa at your consultation. He can then include it in your customized cosmetic surgery plan. The SmartLift™ is the perfect complement to many other Sarasota cosmetic surgery procedures.

What Are My Anesthesia Options?

Dr. Sessa understands that general anesthesia can cause anxiety and is not suitable in all surgical cases. He utilizes talented licensed anesthesia professionals, capable of performing general or other types of anesthesia. Your comfort and safety are the number one priority at Sarasota Surgical Arts. You can discuss the options for your anesthesia with Dr. Sessa during your consultation. For people with certain health conditions, performing surgical procedures under local anesthesia can reduce risk and lead to an easier recovery.

Does A Mini Facelift Scar?

Patients seeking a facelift of any type often worry about the scar or hair loss caused from the incisions. Luckily, The SmartLift™ addresses these worries. With short incisions hidden within the natural creases of your anatomy, Dr. Sessa promotes aesthetic scarring that is hard to see.

Using refined and advanced techniques, Dr. Sessa continues to make his scars shorter and facelift surgery less invasive. The SmartLift™ prioritizes the shortest, least visible scars possible. As an experienced facelift surgeon in Sarasota, Dr. Sessa has performed thousands of facial cosmetic surgeries.

Are There Alternatives To The SmartLift™?

The SmartLift™ or mini facelift is not suitable for every patient. Some patients may require a more extensive procedure. For others, Dr. Sessa may determine that a different procedure like a chin augmentation or brow lift would provide better results. 

For patients concerned with sagging in their jowls or neck, a SmartLift™will address these issues. Most healthy people in the appropriate age range are good candidates. In addition, for patients not old enough or whose face is not yet ready for a Sarasota facelift, neuromodulators, chemical peels, and other non-invasive procedures can fight the signs of aging.

At your consultation, you and Dr. Sessa can discuss all of the possible ways to achieve your cosmetic goals including top of the line injectables, medspa, skincare, and surgical procedures. 


Dr. Alberico Sessa of Sarasota Surgical Arts is an expert in facial rejuvenation. He pioneered the SmartLift™ mini facelift and has performed hundreds of these procedures in his Sarasota based office. Men and women of varying ages have seen beautiful results from a Sarasota mini facelift by Dr. Sessa. 

The Sarasota Surgical Arts facility includes a welcoming atmosphere and outpatient surgery center accredited by the Florida Board of Medicine. Dr. Sessa continues to update his practice with the latest technologies that allow him to perform the best cosmetic surgery in Sarasota. Located close to Bradenton and Tampa, FL, Dr. Sessa offers the best South Florida facelift with his catered SmartLift™. 

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Sessa at Sarasota Surgical Arts, call us at 941-923-1736 or contact us using the form on this page.
