Cosmetic vs. Functional Rhinoplasty
While many cosmetic surgeries are strictly cosmetic procedures, rhinoplasty can be cosmetic, functional, or a combination of the two. Functional rhinoplasty surgery involves resolving any structural defects that obstruct the patient’s airway. It is specifically performed to improve patients’ breathing, nasal function, and quality of life.
On the other hand, cosmetic rhinoplasty is performed to improve the appearance of a patient’s nose. During a cosmetic rhinoplasty, Dr. Sessa will focus on reshaping the nose to achieve better facial symmetry and balance, according to the patient’s goals. Both functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty procedures can be performed at Sarasota Surgical Arts, often as part of the same plastic surgery procedure.
The Rhinoplasty Procedure
Dr. Sessa can perform rhinoplasty surgery using a closed or open method. During a closed rhinoplasty, Dr. Sessa will make all incisions inside of the nose. An open rhinoplasty, however, involves making an incision in the columella, which is the strip of tissue that separates the nostrils. Patients can enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that incision scars will be nearly undetectable regardless of whether a closed or open rhinoplasty is performed.
Once he makes the incisions, Dr. Sessa may break and reset nasal bones, shape bone, and cartilage, create and place cartilage grafts, or reshape the nasal tip. It’s important to note that since each patient has a different nose and each rhinoplasty has its own unique goals, the way this procedure is performed varies from patient to patient. In most cases, a rhinoplasty takes one to three hours to complete and conducted under general anesthesia.
Recovering From Rhinoplasty
Following nose surgery, Dr. Sessa will instruct patients to wear a nasal splint to support their nose during the first stage of the healing process. While patients may feel like their nose is stuffy initially, they should have no issues breathing through their mouth. If they notice that their swelling and/or bruising extends to the eye area, they should not be concerned. “Black eyes” are fairly typical after rhinoplasty.
In order to keep the inside of their nose clean and moisturized, patients will be encouraged to use a saline nasal spray. Pain medications may also be prescribed to relieve any pain or discomfort. It usually takes a week for patients to resume work and their daily routines, however, exercise will need to be postponed for several more weeks.
Risks and Complications of Rhinoplasty
Since rhinoplasty surgery is one of the more invasive procedures a cosmetic surgeon performs, it does come with some risks and complications. These include infection, scarring, swelling, numbness, soreness, skin discoloration, and sinusitis. When a patient chooses a highly skilled and experienced cosmetic surgeon, like Dr. Sessa, for their nose job, the likelihood of these risks and complications occurring is significantly reduced.