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(941) 313-7746When you choose a surgeon for your facelift, SmartLift or other procedure make sure you choose a doctor who understands the science and artistry of the procedure. Dr. Sessa possesses a delicate touch which is critical to a great result for your cosmetic surgery. Give us a call and Dr. Sessa can inform you about all the options available to you.
I had been putting off doing something about my jowls and neck for a long time. Then I saw Dr Sessa being interviewed on a local TV show and liked his personality, credentials and how he spoke about not changing his patients' face, just refreshing it. I went in for a consultation, was reassured that I wouldn't look like a different person, just a better me. I had the surgery and voila! I love my neck! My jawline has definition again and I don't look like a different person- but I feel like one! Thank you Dr Sessa!!
- Anonymous
The aging face is characterized by changes in the skin as well as its underlying structures and connective tissue. As the skin loses elasticity over time, loose skin can begin to sag, giving the face an aged appearance. Jowls along the jaw line can become exaggerated, making the face appear square. Excess skin and slack underlying muscle can also form two “bands” along the neck, which can distort the appearance of the underside of the chin and neck. Laxity of the cheeks, as well as fat loss in the mid-face can also contribute to an aging appearance.
The facelift dramatically reduces these visible signs of aging. In some cases, depending on the needs of the patient, cheek or chin implants may be recommended to restore diminished facial volume and enhance the results of facelift. The term rhytidectomy is formed from the Latin words rhytid (wrinkle) and ectomy (removal of). A facelift is basically surgery to remove lax skin, which has resulted from age, heredity, or environmental factors. A great deal of the aging process relates to your tissues and what you do to care for them. And since we age at different rates, there is no “right” age for a facelift. The appropriate time to have a consultation is when you no longer like what the mirror tells you. This may be in your 30s or your 80s.