Extended Tummy Tuck Sarasota


The abdomen, hips, and pubic region are some of the most problematic areas for cosmetic surgery patients. This is especially true for women who have had children because the anatomical structures in these areas stretch during pregnancy and childbirth. Afterward, patients often are left with extra skin, unevenly distributed fat, stubborn fat, and saggy structures. A variety of procedures may correct these changes, including a traditional tummy tuck, liposuction, or a mommy makeover. When a woman wants to address her stomach, love handles, and hips, an extended tummy tuck may achieve her goals. Dr. Alberico Sessa at Sarasota Surgical Arts performs the best tummy tuck Sarasota offers. 


Most patients have seen tummy tuck results. A patient goes from having a protruding stomach to one that is flat and toned. However, there are many misconceptions about what exactly a tummy tuck is. This, in turn, can confuse patients on what an extended tummy tuck does.

First off, a tummy tuck procedure removes extra skin and fat from the abdomen. It will also often correct diastasis recti and tighten the abdominal muscles. The abdominal muscles may become separated for many reasons, although pregnancy is among the most common. Mini, full, and extended tummy tucks all consist of these components to varying degrees.

Secondly, a tummy tuck–extended or otherwise–is not a weight loss surgery. While some patients may lose a few pounds following surgery, other patients will leave surgery weighing the same. It largely depends on the structures removed during surgery and your needs. As a general rule, cosmetic surgeons do not remove more than about ten pounds during a tummy tuck.

Finally, what is an extended tummy tuck? An extended tummy tuck follows the same incision as a standard tummy tuck. However, it then extends past the hips and around the love handles. Unlike a lower body lift where the incision wraps around the body, the incision usually ends at the back of each hip.

A Before & After Photo Of An Extended Tummy Tuck Plastic Surgery by Dr. Alberico Sessa in Sarasota
Extended Tummy Tuck Before & After

Goals Of An Extended Abdominoplasty

An extended tummy tuck aims to correct sagging, loose skin, stretch marks, diastasis recti, and uneven, stubborn fat deposits. While this is the goal of all tummy tucks, the extended tummy tuck treats the largest amount of the body. During an extended tummy tuck, the treated areas may include:

  • Upper abdomen
  • Lower abdomen
  • Hips
  • Love handles/flanks
  • Waist
  • Lower back

Additional areas of liposuction may address other areas of the body. Your Sarasota extended tummy tuck may not treat all the listed areas. It depends on your anatomy and the specifics of your procedure.

When it comes to what patients want from an extended tummy tuck, most want to address their abdomen and get a flat tummy. Every patient will have a unique idea of their perfect result. For some, other procedures may best achieve this. Some patients may think they need a standard tummy tuck and find out an extended tummy tuck will better meet their goals.


An extended tummy tuck carries many benefits and advantages. Many patients are wary to undergo an extended abdominoplasty because of the longer scar. This is perfectly understandable. For ideal candidates though, this procedure can offer many benefits that may improve quality of life and self confidence. Some of the benefits can include:

  • Flatter, tighter tummy
  • Remove extra skin
  • Improve bodily contours
  • Remove stubborn and uneven fat deposits
  • Corrects changes due to pregnancy and childbirth
  • Alter the size and shape of the belly button
  • Complements weight loss
  • Remove or improve the appearance of stretch marks
  • Incision usually hidden
  • Usually provides the most dramatic results of all types of tummy tuck


Patients wanting to improve the look of their abdomen and midsection often want the least invasive procedure possible. An extended tummy tuck incision is long and, understandably, many patients are wary of it. However, an extended abdominoplasty scar is usually hidden by most types of clothing and swimsuits. 

For patients who need an extended tummy tuck, the procedure can truly make a difference in their bodies and the way they see themselves. The scar often becomes worth it. An added challenge when wanting to have cosmetic surgery is finding the right cosmetic surgeon to achieve the goals you want. Sarasota Surgical Arts makes it seamless and easy to meet with Dr. Sessa to learn more about an extended abdominoplasty in Sarasota.

Consultation With Dr. Sessa

At a consultation at Sarasota Surgical Arts, Dr. Sessa will determine if you are a good candidate for surgery and the best plan to achieve your goals. First, he will want to know about your goals and expectations for your extended tummy tuck in Sarasota. Next, he will review your medical history and discuss concerns you may have. Finally, Dr. Sessa will physically examine your abdomen and surrounding areas. 

Following an in-depth conversation and exam, Dr. Sessa will conclude whether you are a candidate for an extended tummy tuck. He will describe the results he can achieve and provide you with an accurate price quote for the procedure. Additionally, if Dr. Sessa believes another procedure will better suit your needs, he will say so. A common procedure he recommends in these situations is a lower body lift. Regardless, Dr. Sessa will provide a customized plan tailored to your goals.

Planning And Preparing

After your consultation, if you choose to proceed with extended tummy tuck surgery with Dr. Sessa, you will need to make various arrangements. Sarasota Surgical Arts will help you at every step along the way.

First off, you will need to arrange the finances for your procedure. If you need to obtain financing, Dr. Sessa works with Care Credit. Next, if you smoke, Dr. Sessa will likely request that you stop several weeks or months before surgery. Smoking can slow and inhibit healing and will need to continue to be avoided well after the procedure.

Finally, you will need to arrange for a caretaker to drive you home and take care of you for 24 hours post-surgery. Childcare, time off work, and travel arrangements may also need to be made. A few weeks before surgery you will attend a pre-operative appointment. Here, you will receive detailed instructions for the days leading up to surgery and the day of.

Extended Abdominoplasty Surgery

On the day of surgery, you will come to Sarasota Surgical Arts’ state certified surgical center. You will check in and the team will take your vital signs and begin preparing and clearing you for surgery. Dr. Sessa will then make surgical markings. A licensed anesthesia provider will then place you under general anesthesia. 

The entire procedure usually takes anywhere from two hours to six hours. Surgical time depends on the extent of the procedure and if you combine it with other cosmetic surgeries. Dr. Sessa will begin by making an incision along the lower stomach below the pubic bone. The incision will then wrap around your hips. The extent of the incision beyond that will depend on your needs.

Through this incision, Dr. Sessa will perform muscle plication which corrects diastasis recti and tightens the abdominal muscles. This is not always necessary but is usually performed during an extended abdominoplasty in Sarasota. 

Next, Dr. Sessa will also remove extra fat via liposuction to create your new contours and complement the newly tightened muscles. Lastly, he will trim away excess skin to better match your new abdomen. This may remove stretch marks or previous scars such as a C-section scar.

When Dr. Sessa finishes and achieves the desired results, he will suture the incision. You will then begin to slowly wake up after surgery.

Recovery And Results

After a brief recovery period in office to allow you to wake up after anesthesia, you will go home the same day as the procedure. Your caretaker will then proceed to take care of you for the first day. You will likely just want to rest on the first day.

Dr. Sessa will prescribe medications to ease pain and promote a healthy recovery. While rest is important for your recovery, you will want to get up to walk every few hours. This promotes good circulation and prevents blood clots.

Generally, Dr. Sessa recommends at least one to two weeks off work following extended tummy tuck surgery. You can usually begin light forms of exercise at about two weeks, but a full strenuous routine often will not commence for at least one month. Every patient has a different healing process and recovery. Therefore, it is important to stay in contact with Dr. Sessa to return to activities as soon as possible.

As far as results, you will likely notice a difference in the look of your abdomen immediately. However, swelling, bruising, and other side effects will distort results. Additionally, your anatomical structures will need time to shift and fall into their final positions. Final results following an extended tummy tuck usually take nine months to one year to fully become visible.

Extended Tummy Tuck Recovery Tips And Instructions:

At your pre-operative appointment and after surgery, Dr. Sessa will give you instructions to ease the recovery. Following his instructions also reduces the risk of complications and discomfort. While Dr. Sessa caters his instructions based on the individual patient, basic extended tummy tuck recovery instructions may include:

  • Take prescribed medications as directed
  • Know what to look for to monitor for infection
  • Attend all necessary and scheduled appointments
  • Wear your compression garment as directed
  • Do not submerge your incisions or shower as normal, stick to sponge baths or light cleansing
  • Do not put unnecessary stress on your incisions
  • Avoid exercise and strenuous activities
  • Stick to acetaminophen (Tylenol) when taking over the counter pain medications
  • Do not smoke or drink until well healed
  • Only return to work and activities at Dr. Sessa’s discretion


Dr. Alberico Sessa is an accomplished cosmetic surgeon with decades of experience performing high quality cosmetic surgery. With a deep understanding of anatomy and aesthetics, Dr. Sessa brings his expertise and surgical skills to every surgery. He is among the highest regarded and best cosmetic surgeons in Sarasota and the state of Florida.

Sarasota Surgical Arts sees a diverse range of patients from all over the United States and the globe. With a state-of-the-art surgical center and accommodations for out-of-town patients, Dr. Sessa and the Sarasota Surgical Arts team provide the best extended tummy tuck in Sarasota.

To schedule a consultation, call us at 941-923-1736. You can also reach out online via our contact form or Price Simulator™ app.
