En Bloc Breast Implant Removal Sarasota

Placing breast implants remains a highly popular surgery around the world, especially here in Florida. However, sometimes women decide that breast implants no longer fit their lifestyle or are one of the unfortunate few who experience a bad result or complication. Thankfully, breast implants can be safely removed and normally return the breasts to, or close to, their original state. One of the techniques used for this is en bloc breast implant removal. Dr. Alberico Sessa of Sarasota Surgical Arts performs the best en bloc breast implant removal Sarasota offers.

Overview: Breast Implant Removal

Breast implant removal is a cosmetic surgery that removes breast implants in any state. Dr. Sessa removes the breast implant and some or all of the scar tissue. While most patients are satisfied with their breast implants and do not experience problems, there are several indications for breast implant removal. Patients can also choose to have new implants placed if they wish.

En bloc breast implant removal refers specifically to the en bloc surgical technique. The term roughly translates to “as a whole” and involves removing the implant and scar tissue as one. With other surgical techniques, a cosmetic surgeon will remove some or all of the scar tissue in pieces. While easier, there are certain situations where en bloc may be preferred over other breast implant removal methods.


As previously mentioned, there are several reasons a patient may seek breast implant removal. Some are personal and some medical. Ultimately, if you feel it is time to remove your implants, or you have a concern with them, schedule a consultation with Dr. Sessa.

Some of the reasons patients may want their breast implants removed include:

  • Desire for different implant type/shape/size
  • Implants no longer fit their lifestyle
  • Capsular contracture
  • Rippling/wrinkling
  • Rupture
  • Breast pain or tenderness with no verifiable cause
  • Breast Implant Illness
  • Non-related conditions or diseases


For women facing issues with their breast implants, or those who simply do not want them anymore, there are many benefits to choosing an en bloc breast implant removal. It should be noted that en bloc removal is not always necessary for every single case, but that removing breast implants, in general, comes with various benefits in some situations. Among the possible benefits and advantages include:

  • Removal of breast implant and entire scar tissue capsule
  • Breast restore to a natural appearance
  • Breast lift can be performed at the same time
  • Safest technique for removing a ruptured breast implant
  • May make exercising easier
  • Obtain ideal body contours
  • Re-implantation usually possible at any time after surgery
  • Incision hidden in the inframammary fold
  • Prevents implant from coming into contact with natural tissues
  • Works for any size implant

There are–of course–drawbacks to the en bloc technique. It is more difficult to perform than a partial or total capsulectomy. It requires a skilled surgeon and based on the anatomy of the tissue, it may not be possible in all situations. For example, sometimes scar tissue will adhere to the chest wall, which would mean removing it could risk damage to vital organs. While en bloc can work for most patients, Dr. Sessa will discuss if it is ideal in your situation.

Types Of Breast Implant Removal

There are three main techniques for explant surgery. All are effective and have varying situations for when they are effective. You can discuss the right option for you during a consultation with Dr. Sessa at Sarasota Surgical Arts.

Partial Capsulectomy

A partial capsulectomy involves removing the breast implant and part of the scar tissue surrounding it. This technique is most popular when placing new implants, where total scar tissue removal would not be advantageous. It also may prove the safest option for those with certain anatomy types, or those who have scar tissue in precarious positions.

Full Capsulectomy

The most commonly performed breast implant removal technique is a full capsulectomy. This method removes the implant and all of the scar tissue. However, it tends to remove the scar tissue in more than one piece. This is easier than an en bloc procedure and usually yields great results.

En Bloc

An en bloc breast removal is primarily used in two situations. First, for a breast implant rupture, it is important to contain the rupture to prevent it from spreading to other parts of the breasts or body. Secondly, some women experiencing breast implant illness feel most comfortable when the implants are removed via the en bloc technique. This will vary between patients, but typically a full capsulectomy is sufficient. However, Dr. Sessa is happy to perform an en bloc on a qualifying patient.

Before & After En Bloc Breast Implant Removal


The first step in undergoing a Sarasota en bloc removal surgery is to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Sessa. At Sarasota Surgical Arts, Dr. Sessa will ask about your previous surgery, implants, medical history, lifestyle, and expectations. He may then also examine your breasts. This may include looking for signs of capsular contracture, evaluating skin quality, and determining if a breast lift is necessary.

If he believes you are a good candidate and will benefit from the procedure, he will discuss your particular surgery and what to expect before, during, and after surgery. You will also receive pricing and financing information.

En Bloc Surgery

Your en bloc breast implant removal surgery will be performed at our state-of-the-art outpatient surgical facility in Sarasota, Florida. Once you are prepped for surgery and placed under general anesthesia, Dr. Sessa will start the procedure. He will make an incision in the inframammary fold. It is usually larger than your original breast augmentation incision because the scar tissue must be removed while attached to your implant.

Dr. Sessa will first carefully begin releasing the scar tissue from your natural breast tissues. This is quite intricate and requires the skill of an experienced breast surgeon like Dr. Sessa. After freeing the implant and scar tissue from the breast pocket, he will slowly and gently remove the scar tissue and implant. He will then repeat this process for the other breast.


Many patients find recovering from an en bloc breast implant removal similar to their original breast augmentation surgery, if not easier. Dr. Sessa will recommend avoiding lifting anything above five pounds for four to six weeks. Patients often take around five to seven days off work, depending on the physicality of their job.

Patients can usually return to their full routines after six to eight weeks. As far as results, there will be an almost immediate difference in the look of your breasts. However, your skin will take time to retract, the tissues to settle, and the swelling to resolve. Like with breast augmentation, final results are generally seen in nine to twelve months.



    No, not necessarily. Patients experiencing breast implant illness will likely experience a reduction or cessation of symptoms with a total capsulectomy or en bloc breast implant removal. Sometimes in severe cases, Dr. Sessa may recommend an en bloc. Also, if it would ease the patient’s mind and they are okay with the larger incision, they may benefit from an en bloc breast implant removal.


    If experiencing a complication with your breast implants that requires removal, there are sometimes signs or symptoms. In other cases, there may be absolutely no symptoms. Beyond wanting them removed for personal reasons, your plastic may recommend that you remove your breast implants if you experience symptoms or situations like:

    • Breast pain (unassociated with another cause)
    • Hardness, especially if it appears suddenly or with pain
    • Tenderness in conjunction with hardness or other symptoms
    • Signs of infection such as inflamed skin, redness, or fever (on or near the incisions/breasts)
    • Back or neck pain due to too large implants
    • Allergic reaction
    • Deflation (with saline implants
    • Trauma or injury to the breasts

    Every situation is different. Therefore, some may require implant removal while others may not. Dr. Sessa can determine this during a consultation.


    Yes, while it’s not overly common to place breast implants after an en bloc (due to the reasons most en bloc breast removals are performed), it is usually possible to place breast implants during or after surgery. This is referred to as a breast revision.


    Potentially, the likelihood that you will need a lift following breast implant removal is increased if you have had your breast implants for several years, are above 40, or if a breast lift was originally needed, but not performed. Dr. Sessa can recommend whether a breast lift is necessary to obtain the ideal results.


    An en bloc breast implant removal in Sarasota with Dr. Sessa starts at $6,750. This price will vary based on your individual needs and desires. After your consultation, Dr. Sessa and his team will provide you with a more accurate estimate based on your specific needs. Additionally, Sarasota Surgical Arts works with Care Credit to help you finance your surgery.

The Best En Bloc Breast Implant Removal In Sarasota

Dr. Alberico Sessa of Sarasota Surgical Arts is one of Florida’s best breast surgeons. With decades of experience performing cosmetic breast procedures including breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lifts, and implant removal, he understands how to cater results to each patient. 

Sarasota Surgical Arts is a premier outpatient cosmetic surgery center located in Sarasota, Florida. The surgical suite is certified by the Florida Board of Medicine and fully equipped to handle major surgeries. With a staff experienced in cosmetic breast surgery, you can trust that you are in good hands at Sarasota Surgical Arts.

To learn more and schedule a free consultation, call us at 941-923-1736. You can also reach out online using Price Simulator, chat, or contact form.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 941-923-1736. You can also reach out online via our Price Simulator™, contact forms, and chat.

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