The “batwing” effect often occurs when people lose a great deal of weight, leaving them with excess skin in their upper arms. The good news is that a Brachioplasty, or arm lift, can resolve this issue and re-contour the upper arms. This surgical procedure is perfect for men and women who would like to remove excess skin and stubborn fat from their arms. Here at Sarasota Surgical Arts, expert cosmetic surgeon Dr. Alberico Sessa offers arm lifts to patients who would like to improve the appearance of their arms and restore their confidence.

Benefits of an Arm Lift

The main goal of an arm lift is to remove excess fat and skin along the upper part of the arms to create a younger, slimmer appearance. An arm lift can help patients get rid of stubborn excess fat from their upper arms and eliminate sagging skin. It can create firmer, slimmer arms that increase clothing options and confidence. With the procedure, patients can tone and shape their arms more effectively than with diet and exercise alone.

Good Candidates for an Arm Lift

An arm lift is a great option for anyone who has lost a lot of weight and has excess hanging skin on their arms that is resistant to diet and exercise. It can also be a good choice for patients struggling with flabby arms caused by genetics or aging.

The ideal candidates for an arm lift should be in good health, have adequate skin elasticity, and should not smoke. Women who are pregnant or nursing are not good candidates for this procedure. A private consultation with Dr. Sessa can help patients determine whether they could benefit.


Arm Lift Gallery

What to Expect During a Consultation

An arm lift consultation involves a one-on-one meeting with Dr. Sessa at our cosmetic surgery center. Dr. Sessa uses this meeting to evaluate the patient’s medical history and learn more about their aesthetic goals. If Dr. Sessa believes that a patient is a good candidate, he will thoroughly explain the entire procedure and recovery process. Additionally, he’ll share before and after photos of his past arm lift patients so that the patient can get an idea of the type of results they can expect.

Preparing for an Arm Lift

To prepare for surgery, patients may need to undergo lab testing or a medical evaluation. If they smoke, they’ll need to stop well in advance of the surgery and commit to a smoke-free lifestyle afterward to promote good healing.

Dr. Sessa also asks patients to avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements that may increase bleeding and interfere with the healing process about 2 weeks before surgery. In addition, he’ll provide the patient with instructions on what to do on the day of the surgery and during recovery.

The Procedure

During an arm lift at our surgery center, Dr. Sessa places incisions on the inside of the patient’s arm. These incisions extend from their underarm area to just above the elbow. He may then use liposuction to reduce any excess fat. Then, Dr. Sessa will tighten and reshape the tissues and smooth the arm skin over the new contours.

At the end of the procedure, Dr. Sessa’s incisions are placed in a well hidden area under the arms so as not be seen when raising your arms. The surgery takes 1-2 hours. An arm lift is an outpatient procedure that is performed under general anesthesia and usually takes anywhere from two to five hours to complete.

Recovering from an Arm Lift

After surgery, most patients face swelling and bruising with some discomfort for a few days. Dr. Sessa will prescribe medication and encourage patients to keep their arms elevated to mitigate these symptoms. Patients will be required to wear a compression garment for several days after the procedure to promote healing and optimal results.

While most patients can resume work and other daily responsibilities within two weeks of the surgery, they’ll need to refrain from strenuous activity for at least six weeks. The arm lift recovery process will include several follow-up appointments so Dr. Sessa can monitor the healing of the arms.

Risks and Complications

As with any surgery, an arm lift does involve some potential risks and complications. Some of these include bleeding, infection, hematoma, and poor reactions to anesthesia. Also, patients may experience changes in sensation for the first few months after the procedure.

While these changes usually subside fairly quickly, numbness may remain for a year or longer. When an arm lift is performed by a highly skilled and experienced board-certified cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Sessa, risk and complications are significantly reduced.

Why Choose Dr. Sessa:

Dr. Sessa of Sarasota Surgical Arts understands just how frustrating it can be to achieve significant weight loss and yet still be left with flabby arms. Therefore, he is dedicated to performing arm lift procedures that leave patients with beautiful results. After an arm lift by Dr. Sessa in our state-of-the-art cosmetic surgery center, you can feel confident in short sleeves or sleeveless shirts once again. You’ll look younger and love your newly sculpted arms after your cosmetic surgery.

The doctor and his staff will take the time to get to know your unique goals and design a customized arm lift procedure that can help you achieve them. At Sarasota Surgical Arts, you can expect the high-quality service and personalized attention you deserve.


  • Can an arm lift improve skin sagging on the forearms?

    An arm lift is only designed to reduce hanging skin in the upper arm region. However, it may be possible to perform a forearm lift on its own or in combination with an arm lift. Patients who are concerned about forearm sagging should inform Dr. Sessa so that he can recommend a treatment plan.

  • Can a patient’s arm be too big for an arm lift?

    Although any arm can be improved through an arm lift, heavier arms can make the surgery more of a challenge. If a patient has exceptionally large upper arms, Dr. Sessa may perform liposuction before the arm lift so that he can remove as much excess fat as possible.

  • Will it leave a scar?

    As with all surgeries, scars are inevitable. In most cases, the scar from an arm lift will be a straight line from the underarm area to the elbow that is placed along the inside of the arm. Fortunately, it will be virtually unnoticeable even when tank tops and short sleeve shirts are worn.

  • Is it possible to build muscle after an arm lift?

    As soon as Dr. Sessa has cleared a patient for exercise, which is about six weeks after the surgery, they are welcome to get back to their regular workout routines. While they may experience some soreness at first, this should get better over time. Most patients find that they are able to build up their arm muscles through regular weight training.

  • Is liposuction always paired with arm surgery?

    The main goal of arm lift surgery is to get rid of the excess skin and stubborn fat found in the upper arms. If the patient has only a small amount of fat, liposuction may not be required. However, in most cases, cosmetic surgeons feel it is necessary for optimal results.

  • How long will it take to enjoy arm lift results?

    Immediately after the procedure, patients can expect to notice an improvement in the appearance of their arms. Once all the bruising and swelling has subsided, they’ll be left with final results and enjoy slimmer arms with significantly more tone.

  • Are results permanent?

    One of the greatest benefits of an arm lift is that it offers permanent results. As long as patients lead a healthy lifestyle, they can enjoy toned arms long-term. However, it’s important to note that an arm lift does not stop the natural process of aging and the arms will continue to age.

  • What is a mini arm lift?

    Patients with less extensive hanging skin in the upper portion of their arm or who are concerned about scarring may be good candidates for a mini arm lift. A mini arm lift involves Dr. Sessa making a smaller incision in the armpit. This incision may extend a few inches down their arm.

  • Can it be paired with other procedures?

    Yes. Often, patients choose to combine their arm lift with another body surgery such as a tummy tuck, breast lift, breast augmentation, or breast reconstructive surgery so they can enjoy an enhanced physique.

Schedule a Consultation

If you’re displeased with the appearance of your upper arms, consider scheduling a private consultation with Dr. Sessa of Sarasota Surgical Arts. You can give us a call at 941-923-1736 or fill out our convenient online contact form. We look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve the youthful, sculpted arms you’ve always wanted.

Everyone can discover their
hidden beauty
