Two years after breast augmentation, most patients are fully healed and have settled into a new rhythm of daily life with their implants. However, a few patients may experience long-term side effects from their breast surgery, such as nerve damage, breast implant illness, or capsular contracture. Short-term conditions occur more frequently, including limited feeling in the surgical area. So, what exactly causes these symptoms?

Side Effects Of Breast Implants

Although rare, issues can present after implant placement. The most common side effects are pain, itchiness, or loss of feeling. These typically resolve after several weeks to a few months as the nerves heal post-operation. A less likely adverse effect includes a condition known as Breast Implant Illness (BII).

Breast Implant Illness Symptoms

A rare side effect of breast implants is known as BII or Breast Implant Illness. While not yet technically recognized in the medical profession, patients who receive an unofficial diagnosis may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Memory and concentration issues
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety and depression

Symptoms of BII will vary depending on the individual. If your healthcare professional suspects that your body is reacting to the implants, you may need to have a procedure to remove them. Talk to your doctor about alternative ways to achieve breast volume without implants, such as fat transfer.

Itchiness After Breast Implant Surgery

Every medical procedure has an impact on the body’s nerves. As the skin and nerves around the surgical site heal, symptoms of this healing may present in various ways.

Short-Term Symptoms

Common occurrences include limited feeling or sensation near the breasts, pain or soreness, and chronic itching. These effects typically resolve in a few months or sooner.

Long-Term Effects

A small number of patients may develop capsular contracture. This condition happens when thick scar tissue forms around the implants, making the skin around the implant harden. In severe cases, skin can become firm and constrict the implant. If capsular contracture progresses quickly or causes any of the above problems, a surgeon may recommend removing the implants and the scar tissue.

Itchy Implant After 2 Years

Repairing of skin and nerves may still occur two years after surgery, which can lead to an itchy breast implant. If a patient is experiencing chronic or newly occurring itching, they should schedule an appointment to talk to their doctor or surgeon about these symptoms. An MRI or other scan may be required to ensure the patient is healthy and has not developed complications.

Breast Augmentation In Sarasota, Florida

The best way to avoid any adverse effects or complications after breast augmentation is to choose a qualified, highly experienced surgeon. Dr. Alberico Sessa provides exemplary care to every patient. His skills and the excellent results they produce make him one of the top cosmetic surgeons in Florida. Call Sarasota Surgical Arts today to schedule your consultation, or book an appointment with us online.

Alberico J. Sessa
Alberico J. Sessa
Alberico J. Sessa, M.D. is a member of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery & is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. Dr. Sessa has successfully treated hundreds of patients with a high satisfaction rate.

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