A Photo For A Blog Post About What Is The Difference Between A Brow Lift & Eye Lift

Aging in the upper face is normally most evident in the brows and the eyes. Close together, a brow lift often affects the eyes and addressing the eyes with a blepharoplasty may make the brow look different. So, what is the difference between a brow lift and eye lift? How can you know if you need one over the other?

First off, it is important to note that a brow lift and eye lift–aka blepharoplasty–are often combined. This is because they commonly complement each other and many patients will have sagging in both areas. Beyond that, the main difference between the two is that a brow lift primarily addresses the brows while an eye lift corrects the upper and/or lower eyelids. 

It is true that in some cases, a brow lift may slightly lift the upper lids for a more youthful appearance. However, if there is a large amount of extra skin, a brow lift will not make a major difference in the upper eyelids sans an upper eye lift. Additionally, an eye lift makes almost no difference in the positioning of the brows. However, it can sometimes create the illusion that the brows were altered due to removing extra skin that made the space between look shorter.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Sessa, call us at 941-923-1736. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator, chat, and contact form.

Alberico J. Sessa
Alberico J. Sessa
Alberico J. Sessa, M.D. is a member of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery & is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. Dr. Sessa has successfully treated hundreds of patients with a high satisfaction rate.

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