facelift in TampaAlthough other types of body enhancement procedures fade in and out of popularity, the demand from our clients for facelifts (Rhytidectomy) grows every single year. The decision to have a facelift is an important one because it is a form of surgery, so you need to make an informed choice before undergoing any surgical procedure.

We have both men and women visiting Dr. Sessa in Sarasota, FL, looking for guidance on whether or not they should have a facelift. The advice we share with you here is the same advice we give our clients every single day.

Your Age:

For people between the ages of 40 and 80, it’s extremely likely that you’ve noticed your face doesn’t look as youthful as it once did. In fact, you probably have to put more work into your appearance every single day with diminishing results. Your skin is less elastic, and there’s less definition along your jaw line. Perhaps your eyelids are starting to droop, too. Basically, gravity, the ageing process, and exposure to the Sun are getting the best of you.

Reaching a point in your life where a healthy diet and regular exercise isn’t enough to maintain your look is a tough mental hurdle to face. A facelift is a simple way to undo some of Mother Nature’s handiwork and help you look as young as you possibly can.

Your Expectations:

A professionally performed facelift can make you look anywhere from 10-15 years younger than your actual age, but there are limits to what is possible. Genetics play a part to the potential success of the surgery as does your lifestyle before and after surgery. It’s wise to look at a rhytidectomy as a way to enhance your current appearance rather than radically change it.

A great facelift will smooth away the years on your face.

Your Self-Esteem:

If you find that you don’t like the tired face you see in the mirror each morning, then a facelift is worth considering, but only after consultation with a board-certified cosmetic surgeon. Living with low self-esteem can be difficult. It can be more difficult to share with your family or friends. A facelift can’t make any other life “issues” you have disappear, but it can help you look at yourself differently. You’ll look forward to seeing your face in the mirror each morning.

Your Vanity:

There are some people who think a facelift is an act of vanity, but nothing could be further from the truth. The majority of our patients are very far from what you might consider vain, but they do want to look and feel better. Wanting to look your best isn’t vain, it’s just human nature.

Your Future:

Having your facelift is only the first step on a journey to creating a brand new you, but that also requires lifestyle changes on your part. Smoking is gone, alcohol consumption should be kept to a minimum, and those days of baking your skin in the Sun are also ancient history. People say that the human body is a temple, so having a facelift means you’ve just given your temple a makeover. Treat your body with the respect it deserves, and those choices will be reflected in your face.

Our focus is always on the patient having the best possible results from any procedure, which is exactly why we won’t perform a facelift procedure on every single client we consult with.

Alberico J. Sessa
Alberico J. Sessa
Alberico J. Sessa, M.D. is a member of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery & is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. Dr. Sessa has successfully treated hundreds of patients with a high satisfaction rate.

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