A Photo For A Blog Post About Sculptra BBL vs. Surgical BBL

A Brazilian butt lift is typically a surgical procedure that harvests and transfers fat from one or more areas of the body and into the buttocks. However, for patients who do not have enough body fat for liposuction, or those who cannot undergo a surgical procedure for some reason, a non-surgical version exists. This leads to patients wondering about which is better for them. Let’s compare the Sculptra BBL vs. surgical BBL to see which may be right for you.

The surgical Brazilian butt lift involves performing liposuction and transferring the removed fat into the buttocks. When compared to a non-surgical version, it may appear like the surgical version comes with various downsides such as needing to go under general anesthesia and recovery. However, for patients who want dramatic results and the best body contouring, the surgical BBL is largely preferred. Additionally, results from a surgical BBL are usually permanent.

A non-surgical BBL does not require extensive downtime and is great for patients with low body fat. It does not usually create as dramatic a result. The results are less predictable since results depend on how the patient’s body responds to the Sculptra. It is also generally not permanent but can last years.

To learn more about which BBL is right for you, schedule a consultation, call us at 941-923-1736. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator®, contact form, or chat,

Alberico J. Sessa
Alberico J. Sessa
Alberico J. Sessa, M.D. is a member of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery & is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. Dr. Sessa has successfully treated hundreds of patients with a high satisfaction rate.

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