Considering the benefits of liposuction? We want to fill you in on the process of recovery after liposuction:

Here’s a quick overview of what liposuction recovery entails:

  • Most procedures only require local anesthesia, so you don’t have to spend lot of time recovering from general anesthesia
  • Our liposuction procedures don’t require stitches, so you don’t have to return to have those removed. We prefer patients followup after procedures so we can guarantee healing and recovery is going well
  • After 4 weeks, 90% of the swelling should be gone and your body looking healthy
  • A compression garment must be worn at all times for one week and then you can reduce the time to only 12 hours a day for up to six weeks.
  • Antibiotics are taken post-op to prevent infection
  • Liposuction will only keep you away from your normal routine for one or two days
  • Most patients are able to return to light exercise within two days

Liposuction Recovery After a Quick Procedure 

Our average liposuction procedure lasts between 30 minutes and one hour, on average. This means that you will not spend a lot of time under operating conditions.

The length of time you spent in surgical facilities varies because of the different types of anesthesia. You may be put under local anesthesia, which will only require you to stay for about 30 minutes following the completion of the procedure. General anesthesia requires three hours of recovery post-op before leaving.

Returning to the Surgeon’s Office for a Post-Op Check-up

Each surgeon’s office has different policies about when they want you to come back for a post-op check-up. Timing varies widely. Some surgeons want you back for a checkup after just a couple of days, and others want you back in 7 days.

Some procedures may require stitches, but our liposuction procedures don’t require stitches because incisions are the size of a pen tip. This eliminates the need for additional checkups and removal of stitches following the procedure.

How Long Does it Take to See Results? 

Varying techniques are used by different surgeons, so the length of time it takes to see results will vary depending on who you choose. First, you’ll have to wait for the post-op swelling to reduce that way you can start to see the permanent changes done by the liposuction operation.

There is an “open-drainage”technique that is done without stitches. This procedure results in swelling for about four weeks. After four weeks, 90% of the swelling should be gone.

If stitches are used, then you may find yourself with visible swelling for up to ten weeks. However, our office does not use stitches for this procedure. Typically, access is created with tiny incisions the size of a pen tip.

Will I Be on Medication After the Procedure? 

Most patients are only required to take antibiotics after the operation in order to prevent infections from occurring. In some rare cases, patients may require pain medication.

Returning to Normal Activity After Liposuction 

The liposuction procedure is convenient for most people because they will only be out of work for one or two days. A majority of our patients return to work the next day. You can return to normal activity in just a few days after your liposuction procedure. Swelling, inflammation, and any pain should significantly decrease after a few days.

Common sense should dictate what you participate in. Light jogging, light weight lifting, golf, and other light aerobic exercises are all viable options for activity after your liposuction procedure. Soreness varies patient to patient. Most patients are pleasantly surprised with how fast their liposuction recovery goes and how quickly they can go back to their everyday activity.

Wearing a Compressive Garment During Liposuction Recovery 

After your liposuction recovery period begins, you will have to wear a special tight garment. This piece of clothing will compress your skin after the liposuction procedure is complete. The garment must be worn for one week straight after the surgery. Once you complete a full week, then you’ll bump the time down to 12 hours per day. This goes on for up to six weeks.

Returning to Exercise After Liposuction Recovery

Our patients are able to exercise within two days post-op. There are benefits to returning to normal physical activity after having your procedure done. Benefits include increased blood flow and quicker recovery times. At the very minimum, you will be taking short walks each night in order to keep blood flowing. Laying in bed for long periods of time during the day and not participating in any physical activity puts you at risk for blood clots.

One of the many benefits of liposuction is a kick start of your metabolism. You should be able to continue to lose weight during the 4-6 week liposuction recovery period.

We hope this has enlightened you about the recovery process and how safe and simple the liposuction procedure is. If you have any additional questions regarding liposuction, the procedure and recovery, please call Dr. Alberico Sessa: 941-923-1736 

Alberico J. Sessa
Alberico J. Sessa
Alberico J. Sessa, M.D. is a member of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery & is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. Dr. Sessa has successfully treated hundreds of patients with a high satisfaction rate.

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