When breast implants are placed underneath the muscle, patients may experience some tightness or pain in the chest. This is due to the healing of the muscle where it was (potentially) cut through and the squeezing of the newly placed implant against the chest wall. As recovery goes on, this should subside, but this can be more distressing or difficult to deal with for some patients, especially if they have particularly strong pectoral muscles. 

While anatomical and biological factors can influence this, aspects of the surgery can as well. Patients who choose larger implants may experience more chest tightness due to larger displacement of the muscle. Other factors that can worsen chest tightness after breast augmentation include:

  • Textured implants
  • Inframammary fold incision (in comparison to a transaxillary incision)
  • Surgical techniques
  • Stress and anxiety associated with recovery
  • Swelling

Remember, chest tightness is a normal and common side effect of breast augmentation surgery. It tends to significantly improve in about two weeks. Dr. Sessa will provide some ways to help your muscles relax after breast augmentation some of which you can find below.

1: Massage

Usually at about one week after surgery (or earlier depending on healing), Dr. Sessa instructs patients to gently massage their breasts. These massages can help relax the muscles. However, patients may also be able to massage elsewhere immediately after surgery to help relax the pectoral muscles.

2: Stretches

Do not stretch without knowing the proper techniques and running it past Dr. Sessa first. Techniques vary based on the incision location and other specifics of the surgery. Performing some gentle stretches can help relax the pectoral muscles, but this must be done extremely carefully to avoid bursting open incisions. Sometimes Dr. Sessa may instruct patients not to do this at all.

3: Stress Relief Exercises

Practicing mindful stress relief exercises can help relax the muscles, even post-surgery. While exercises such as yoga cannot resume, patients can still practice similar exercises that may help naturally relieve muscle tightness in the chest. Exercises can include:

  • Gentle stretching
  • Breathing exercises
  • Meditation

If you do any of these relaxation exercises regularly, you can likely continue them with minimal or no alteration to your normal routine. Discuss what is appropriate to continue during your recovery with Dr. Sessa.

4: Medication

Dr. Sessa does usually prescribe patients pain medication after breast augmentation. This can help with chest tightness. However, in some cases, Dr. Sessa may also opt to prescribe a patient a muscle relaxer. This is not done for every patient, but for those experiencing major muscle tightness that cannot be adequately managed with the above methods.


Chest muscle tightness after breast augmentation is completely normal, and can usually be managed with at-home remedies and the pain medication already prescribed. However, some patients may feel worsened tightness due to many factors and Dr. Sessa can help them find the right way to manage it. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 941-923-1736. Patients can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

Alberico J. Sessa
Alberico J. Sessa
Alberico J. Sessa, M.D. is a member of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery & is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. Dr. Sessa has successfully treated hundreds of patients with a high satisfaction rate.

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