As one of the most popular cosmetic procedures around the world, Botox injections are fairly simple to work into your everyday routine. However, there are still forms of aftercare and precautions you need to take after you get Botox injections. Here are some dos and don’ts after Botox injections.
DO: Stay Upright
For about four hours or so after you receive Botox injections, you will want to stay upright. This is because if you lay down or bend over, gravity can cause the Botox to spread or move beyond where you want. While the risks of doing anything major from this are low, it is best to stay upright for a few hours to promote the best results.
DON’T: Have Exposure To Extreme Temperatures
Do not book a sauna appointment for around two weeks following Botox injections. Additionally, you will need to avoid hot tubs, sun exposure, and even cold temperatures. Obviously, you may not be able to avoid warm or cold outside temperatures, but taking precautions to keep yourself at the appropriate temperature is the best way to address this. For the most part, as long as you avoid getting overheated, you should be fine.
To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 941-923-1736. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.