A Photo For A Blog Post About Does A Thigh Lift Get Rid Of Cellulite

It is estimated that 90% of women currently have or will experience cellulite during their lifetime. Cellulite creates a bumpy appearance due to stress on the underlying structures of the skin. Most often, this is due to changes or shifts in the position of the fat. Both weight gain and weight loss can cause or worsen cellulite in some cases. Since cellulite is most common on the buttocks and thighs, patients interested in a thigh lift sometimes ask, “Does a thigh lift get rid of cellulite.”

A thigh lift surgery removes skin and some fat from the thigh. It can be performed on the inner or outer part of the thigh. If the skin removed has cellulite, then technically the cellulite is removed. However, there is no guarantee that it will come back following surgery or that all cellulite on the thighs can or should be removed. Though, a thigh lift can sometimes permanently remove cellulite.

Changes in weight or fat can cause cellulite to return. Additionally, some people are simply genetically predisposed to have or develop cellulite. So, it is possible that it will return following surgery. If cellulite is your top concern, there are other non-surgical methods that may address cellulite.

To learn more and schedule a consultation with Dr. Sessa, call us at 941-923-1736. You can also reach out online at Price Simulator, chat, or contact form.

Alberico J. Sessa
Alberico J. Sessa
Alberico J. Sessa, M.D. is a member of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery & is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. Dr. Sessa has successfully treated hundreds of patients with a high satisfaction rate.

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