A Photo For A Blog Post About Does A Brow Lift Scar

Scarring is an expected result of any surgical procedure. However, in cosmetic surgery, scarring is meant to be as small, discreet, and hidden as possible. People who are interested in or undergo any facial plastic surgery are often more concerned about scarring. This is understandable since scars on or around the face are harder to hide than ones on the body. Let’s look at the question, “Does a brow lift scar?”

A brow lift does, of course, scar. However, most of the time, Dr. Sessa hides the incisions in the hairline, on the top of the head, and/or behind the ears. For most people, this adequately hides any scarring and the scars remain extremely discreet. If someone is prone to hair loss or is balding, a brow lift may not be ideal.

For a patient that is prone to raised scarring, this may complicate keeping the scars hidden, but if the hair is kept long enough, often it does not interfere. Dr. Sessa works to keep all brow lift scars as small and discreet as possible while also being hidden within the natural features of the face.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 941-923-1735. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

Alberico J. Sessa
Alberico J. Sessa
Alberico J. Sessa, M.D. is a member of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery & is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. Dr. Sessa has successfully treated hundreds of patients with a high satisfaction rate.

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