Selena Gomez has been in the spotlight since she was a teenager. Thus, her changes in appearance over the years have come with increased scrutiny about whether or not the young starlet has undergone plastic surgery or cosmetic procedures. Let’s break down some of the changes people have noticed and whether or not they may be due to cosmetic enhancements.

1: Face

Selena’s face has seen many changes over the years which is completely expected considering she aged and matured. Another factor to consider is her lupus diagnosis. Treatment for lupus often involves steroid treatments which can cause changes in facial and body composition and appearance.

Some believe that Selena’s trademark cheekbones are a result of either cheek fillers or cheek implants. Looking at Selena’s face as a teenager, her bone structure was always quite defined. This makes it unlikely that any major enhancements have been made. But, is cheek filler still possible? Maybe, but Selena has also been open about the weight gain and fluctuations caused by lupus treatment which can explain her sometimes fuller looking face and cheeks.

Technically, facial fillers are still a possibility, but according to Selena, she has only ever undergone Botox. And, there are no tell-tale signs of cheek filler or other facial fillers that can routinely be seen on Selena’s face.

2: Body

At the beginning of her career, Selena was thin. Following her lupus diagnosis, her body has undergone various changes and she has gained and lost weight multiple times. Selena has been open about this and has even posed naked to show what the average woman’s body looks like, especially following medical treatments. There is no doubt this is admirable. However, have any of the changes Selena’s body has experienced been due to plastic surgery or its effects?

Some believe Selena has undergone  breast augmentation surgery. This could certainly be true, especially in the time between becoming an adult and getting her diagnosis. She always had a thinner body type with full breasts. This alone though is not enough to say definitively that she has had breast work done because it was not grossly disproportionate or obvious. Additionally, her lupus treatment could explain why her breasts have gotten larger. Whether or not Selena has had a breast augmentation cannot be fully known unless she confirms it.

3: Non-Surgical Enhancements

As previously mentioned, Selena has admitted to having Botox injections. Other cosmetic injections are certainly possible, but based on her fairly stable appearance, she either has not undergone them or they have been done subtly. It is extremely likely that Selena regularly undergoes professional skincare such as microneedling, chemical peels, laser treatments, and high-end products.


Selena is undoubtedly beautiful and talented regardless of any surgery or treatment she may or may not have gotten. She has also been an advocate for chronic illness and the way it can change your body. If Selena wanted to get cosmetic enhancements, she would have the best physicians at her disposal. Thankfully, you can also achieve celebrity-quality results with Dr. Sessa at Sarasota Surgical Arts.

To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 941-923-1736. Patients can also reach out online via chat, contact form, and Price Simulator.

Alberico J. Sessa
Alberico J. Sessa
Alberico J. Sessa, M.D. is a member of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery & is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. Dr. Sessa has successfully treated hundreds of patients with a high satisfaction rate.

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