Are Facelifts Painful?
When it comes to medical and cosmetic procedures, the face and head are considered some of the most sensitive and potentially painful procedures. For example, face tattoos are considered to be among the most painful. Injections in the face tend to hurt more than injections into the arm. This raises the question for facelift patients, “Are facelifts painful?”
Facelift surgery is performed under either local or general anesthesia. This means that your face is entirely numb and that you are either completely or partially sedated. These measures prevent you from feeling any pain during the facelift procedure itself. Immediately following the procedure, the anesthesia will also take time to wear off, so you should not feel any significant discomfort.
In the few days following surgery, post-operative pain is normal. For most patients, the pain is bearable and many do not end up taking prescription pain medication. Usually, after three to four days, the worst of the pain is over. Tylenol can usually take care of any discomfort after this point. Surprisingly, facelifts generally are not too painful unless especially extensive.
To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 941-923-1736. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.